Dr. Julie Berry began her acting and modeling career as a young teenager. Having immersed herself in musical theatre, film acting, print, and runway classes from an early age, she knew that the entertainment industry was her calling in life. Even through the rigors of pharmacy school and the start of her pharmacist career, she seized every opportunity to be in the industry, and in 2021, she made the leap to be a full-time actress and model.

She is currently based in the South Florida region and also has representation in LA, NYC, and Atlanta. She is thrilled to be fully pursuing her passion for the industry.

Her services include film & TV acting, commercial acting & modeling, print, fit modeling, runway, and voiceover.

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What Industry Pros are Saying

“You are always a delight to work with!”

“It’s nice to see somebody so dedicated to the industry. Wish more had your drive and work ethic.”

“You’re a ROCKSTAR, that is all I have to say.”

“The good news is you are apparently becoming a rising star!”

“Thank you for this perfect follow up. I wish more models were like you!”

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